Welcome to ACT Playgroups
ACT Playgroups is a passionate non-profit community organisation that supports all playgroups and the benefits
which playgroups provide for families with young children across Australian Capital Territory.
Your support is always appreciated!
ACT Playgroups delivers a range of events throughout the year. These range from Come and Try Playgroups in the school holidays to World’s Biggest Playgroup and Playfest.
Find out what’s coming up next.
Parent Testimonials
“Informative, empowering and encouraging.”
“Early Support Playgroup gives me an outlet. Coming to this Playgroup is a highlight of our week. My daughter is happy and so am I.”
“Coming to playgroup has helped motivate me to be a stronger advocate for my son and has assisted to build resilience in me in order for this to happen”
“It was awesome and inspiring – Thank you!”
Our Latest News
Have a read of some of the wonderful stories and experiences from our Playgroups
…and some formal updates too!
Join Us: Safeguarding Focus Group
Join Us in a Safeguarding Focus Group on 17th October 2024.
Election Statement
The ACT Election is slated for the 19th of October 2024 and ACT Playgroups, as...
Be Part of the Playgroup Census
Join us from 2nd - 8th September to help us gather important attendance data.