Many playgroups across the ACT require all members attending their playgroup become a member of ACT Playgroups. Membership with ACT Playgroups is free!

One of the membership benefits is the provision of personal accident insurance for all registered members of the family, both at playgroup and on playgroup excursions.
  • One adult of the family will become the member (Primary Caregiver), but other family members who regularly take the child(ren) to playgroup should also be registered as part of the membership. This includes grandparents, as well as au pairs/nannies, etc.
  • All children who attend playgroup will also need to be listed in order to be covered by insurance, so remember to give us the details of any children born during the membership year! Family Day Care providers can also be covered by a family membership providing they list all the children they are responsible for as part of their membership.
  • If you change playgroups or start attending additional playgroups during the currency of your membership please advise the office so we can keep your family record up to date. Similarly, if you move house or change any of your contact details such as telephone or email – please let us know.

ACT Playgroups Family Membership Form

Fields marked with an * are required