Further information about the role is available on request.

To apply, please send your expression of interest and a copy of your CV to Kate at chair@playgroupact.org.au

The ACT Playgroups Association is a community based not-for-profit organisation.

The Board of ACT Playgroups is voluntary based and includes both Playgroup members and interested members of the public who have the required skills and competencies necessary to provide sound governance for the organisation.

ACT Playgroups’ board members are elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.

ACT Playgroups Volunteer Board of Management strives to provide a strong, committed collaborative governance team for ACT Playgroups and welcomes nominations from interested parties to join the existing team.

ACT Playgroup History

In April 1973, a group of 15 mothers met in the Torrens Community Hall to form Canberra’s first Community Playgroup.

By April 1974 there were 73 Playgroups operating in the Canberra area.
Over 40 years later, the ACT can boast over 200 Playgroups with nearly 2200 families enjoying the Playgroup experience each year.

ACT Playgroups now delivers a variety of Playgroup Models and has a staff team nine and is still managed by a Board of Community Volunteers.

ACT Playgroups Board has moved to declare its support for the full implementation of the Uluru Statement from the Heart. You can read our full statement from the image on the left.

As a member of Playgroup Australia, ACT Playgroups also supports the statement released by Playgroup Australia, which you can find here https://playgroupaustralia.org.au/about-us/

ACT Playgroups Volunteer Board of Management strives to provide a strong, committed collaborative governance team for ACT Playgroups and welcomes nominations from interested parties to join the existing team.


Your support is always appreciated!

ACT Playgroups has grown because of your generosity...