Molonglo Valley – Monday Nature Playgroup at the Arboretum

At the National Arboretum’s Nature Playgroup, we believe in sowing the seeds of a deep and lasting connection with the natural environment. Our playgroup is designed to be an explorative journey, providing a foundation for children to become confident, caring, and environmentally conscious individuals. Join us in this delightful adventure, and let your child discover the magic of nature in every play session. Running Monday’s and Friday’s during school weeks 2 – 9, public holidays excepted. Booking for playgroup tickets via or the Village Centre phone – 62078484.


National Arboretum Canberra
1 Forest Drive
MOLONGLO VALLEY, Weston Creek 2611

Additional Information

Status: Vacancies

Group Contact Name: Bianca

Region: Weston Creek

Age Group:


Playgroup Type:


Playgroup Type:

Natureplay Group

Opening Hours

Monday: 10:00 – 12:00 o'Clock

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