Play school live shows are coming to ACT
Kids Promotions in association with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation is excited to announce everyone’s favourite children’s television program Play School, is heading to ACT with their live show “Humpty’s Showtime.”
The concert features 2 presenters just like on TV, who will have Play School fans singing, dancing and jumping for joy as they see Humpty putting on his very own show.
‘Humpty gathers the Play School toys to help with the big spectacular with starring roles for Jemima, Big Ted, Little Ted and guest appearances from other Play School favourites along the way. Filled with fun songs to sing and dance along with many of the favourites: “Humpty Dumpty, Peek a Boo, Teddy Bear Turn Around, I’m a little Teapot, Twinkle Twinkle, If your happy and you know it” and lots more.
This 40 minute show has been specially designed to delight preschoolers and parents alike. As with the television program, everything in the concert is carefully paced, especially for children. There are songs to move to, as well as quiet times to just watch and listen. The familiarity of the material and the presenters combined, totally engage the young audience, encouraging lots of audience participation.
Join Humpty and his friends in Humpty’s Showtime on sale now.
For ticketing information visit
Fri 14th July- Canberra High School
Sat 15th July- Canberra High School
Sun 16th July- Canberra High School
First session 10.00am